“Principles are fundamental truths that serve as the foundations for behavior that gets you what you want out of life. They can be applied again and again in similar situations to help you achieve your goals.” — Ray Dalio

序号Life Principle 原则解释日期
0布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定、般若Six Pāramitās: Generosity; Virtue, endurance, effort, concentration, wisdom2023.10.31
1禅定:始终保持觉察、正念“Always be mindful”: Always paying full attention to what’s happening right now, in the present moment.2023.10.31
Generosity to family; Devote my all my time and energy to my family.2023.10.31
4精进:每日每时每刻都努力改进,迭代,进化,提升Continuously strive for improvement, iteration, evolution, and improve every day, every hour, every moment.2023.10.31
Everything is connected, changing, and empty..
Don’t get attached to transient states of being.
6持戒:从小事、细节严格要求自己,并且坚持这些小的习惯Be strict with yourself about small things and details, and stick to these small habits2023.10.31
7忍辱:面对困境、冒犯或苦难时,能够保持冷静和自我控制(忍耐),不发怒也不报复。The ability to endure hardship, insults, or difficulties without losing one’s cool or seeking revenge. Managing your emotional responses to rise above the situation.2023.10.31